Music Theory Digital Download Collection

Hear & Play 702, 705, Chords 101 & 102, 4 Steps To Next Level Playing CDs & Workbook. Downloads.

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Product Description

# Of Courses: 6
Duration: 9.5 hours
Type: Digital Downloads / Online Audios / PDF
Skill: Beginner
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If you've ever wondered how you can skip the baby steps and bull charge to a level where you understand how songs and music work so you're not left helpless and "guessing" what to do, play all the vast types of chords found in today's popular songs with complete confidence, and become a well-rounded musician capable of playing the songs you love, then this collection is for you.

I find those are the areas most musicians mess up in. They don't understand how music works so everything continues to look "random," when in reality, music is highly systematic and predictable... if you know what you're doing. Even worse, they don't know a sufficient amount of chords to play full songs. And even if they are able to pick out some decent chords, they don't know the quick and easy secrets to get both hands working together to play them (without hitting the wrong notes, that is). The Music Theory Collection solves these issues, once and for all.

It includes each of the following programs:

"Piano By Ear For Starters" Audio Program (HP702) - In this 2-hour online audio program, you're going to be exposed to a very systematic way to play simple songs within 17 minutes. (I know it sounds like a big promise but it's absolutely true.) In this course, you listen in as I literally take you through everything you need to know to play real songs by the end. Songs that resemble, "You are So Beautiful," "My Girl," and "I Believe I Can Fly." You'll master the "circle of fifths," which is the foundation beneath most song patterns you'll hear. And most importantly, you'll be able to see how all of this comes together to play any song of your choice... not just the ones I show you. A lot of courses talk about the "what" and expect you to figure out the "how." I do both. I not only tell you what you need to know, why it's important, and when to use it... but I go a step further than most instructors and show you specifically how to do it. It's one thing to give someone directions to the local store --- it's another thing to grab them by the hand and take them there. And that's exactly what you're getting in this program.

"Finding The Key Of Any Song" Audio Program (HP705) - In this 80-minute audio course, reveal dozens of different techniques to find the key to any song, quickly! After all, playing by ear STARTS HERE. If you can't find the key a song is in, you can't play it (so take this skill seriously). If you've always wanted to become skilled at quickly finding the key of any song, this course will walk you through the process, step-by-step. You'll learn the multiple roles of every tone of the scale and how they can hint at what key you're truly in. You'll also discover how to determine what tone of the scale is the true "tonic" --- the home base of your song. The ultimate goal is to be able to find the key of a song within 10 seconds and that's the skill this course will deliver to you.

Hear & Play Chords 101 & 102 - In this 4-hour, 4-disc online audio series, you're going to discover how to master all kinds of chords --- major chords, minor chords, seventh chords, diminished chords, and more. And since chords create songs, you'll have what it takes to start mastering all your favorite songs from scratch. I'll show you how to stop fiddling around and how to get down to business with the same chords all the pro's use. Embarrassment, nervousness, and fear of playing with better musicians will be a thing of the past. In fact, we'll replace them with a powerful feeling of UNSTOPPABLE CONFIDENCE as you'll be playing all the same beautiful chords as the other great players. If you just don't have a good grasp on how to create chords and where to use them, this course will be a tremendous help to you.

4 Steps To Next Level Playing Online Audio Course & Workbook Set - If you’re looking for a concise method on learning to play by ear, this workbook and 2-hour audio course has got you covered. From how to find the key of any song to scales, number systems, chords, and patterns, you’ll get a comprehensive understanding of the “playing by ear” process. Every concept and principle is broken down, illustrated, and charted in multiple keys with no details left out. Everything is documented in plain ink and accessible with the flip of a page. You’ll be using these chords and patterns to play your favorite songs in no time! Here are just a few of the specifics: If you need to reference the fantastic four chords and the formulas that instantly create big, extended chords, you’ll find that right on page 52. If you’re looking for the diatonic chords of the major key, you’ll find the triads on pages 78-80 and the bigger seventh chords on page 83. If you need help transposing anything into all 12 keys, my cool “chord transposition” chart on page 43 will make it drop-dead simple. And much more!